About Us

We seek to build up the body of Christ through providing connection, community and opportunities to receive Bible teaching and training in ministry skills, from women within the Presbyterian Church of NSW.

Over many years Teaching and Training Women has held annual events providing clear and solid Bible teaching from women in the Presbyterian Church in NSW. In addition to unpacking parts of the Bible, we often include interviews, discussion, seminars or opportunities to ask questions to bring practical applications to the Bible’s teaching.

We would love for you to gather a group from your church and join us in person or online in 2023.

We intentionally run events on Saturday mornings to accommodate for women from different backgrounds with varying levels of responsibility, allowing them to return to other commitments in the afternoon. We hope and pray that this short period of time provides the opportunity for women to be encouraged, learn new skills and enjoy the company of other Christian women.

Teaching and Training Women aims to serve the Lord Jesus and grow His kingdom by:

training women to handle and teach God’s Word. We strive to train women to know and understand the Bible for themselves, and to see its importance and relevance in shaping our godliness in everyday life.

encouraging and supporting women to use their gifts confidently. We recognise that many women attending our events are involved in varying levels of church activities and ministries. We pray that though the Teaching and Training Women events, all women can grow in their relationship with Jesus and their service of Him. We offer different training opportunities to equip women in serving their churches and local community.

presenting ordinary women, living out their faith in their churches and communities, as an encouragement to all women attending. We do this with the hope that it demonstrates how different women serve God and that this spurs all of us on to love and good deeds.

Teaching and Training Women comes under the supervision of the Women’s Ministry Committee of the Presbyterian Church of NSW.