
Access our archives by clicking on the talk titles below

2024 Reading for Meaning Booklet

Talk 1 - Reading for Meaning with Dr Joanna Barlow

Talk 2 - What's the Bible About? with Quynh Eastman

Talk 3 - Historical Context with Chris Quirk

Talk 4 - Literary Context with Christ Quirk

Talk 5 - Finding the Big Idea with Dr Deb Tattersall

Talk 6 - So What? The application with Dr Deb Tattersall

Infographic - Reading for Meaning

2023 Jesus - the one we all need booklet

Monologue - The man born blind John 9:1-5, 39-41

Blinded by the Light (John 9) - Jasmine Ohlmus

Monologue - The bleeding women Mark 5:21-43

The bleeding woman (Mark 5:21-43) - Nicole Mannyx

Monologue - The woman at the well John 4:1-42

Quenching your thirst from God's well (John 4:1-42) - Katharine Oxley

Monologue - The Rich Ruler Mark 10:13-27

The Rich Ruler (Mark 10:13-27) - Chloe Fisher

Interview - Juliet Lum

Interview - Anna Yu

2022 Christ. Love. Community. Booklet

Talk 1 - A Community In Christ - Fiona Turner

Talk 2 - A Community of Love - Quyhn Eastman

Talk 3 - A Community of Blessing - Sylvia Siu

Interview - Sarah Rossington

2021 In the World, not of the World Booklet

Opening talk - Colossians - Danielle Tercerio

Keynote - Christian Worldview - Sheryl Sarkoezy (Part 1)

Keynote - Christian Worldview - Sheryl Sarkoezy (Part 2)

Workshop - Caring for the Environment - Karen Astles

Workshop - Medical Interventions - Dr Debra Tattersal

Workshop - Helping young people develop a Christian worldview - Mardi Barter

Workshop - Engaging with the media - Cathy Phipps

Workshop - Freedom of Speech - Sheryl Sarkoezy